Cultura e Dintorni

Cultura e Dintorni is an Italian organization specialized in the management of European projects concerning mobility of the Erasmus + programme. It organizes professional formation activities for students and teachers/educators from all over Europe.

Cultura e Dintorni has been working for years together with partners involved in the management of formation programmes, with European partnerships and with public and private Apulian bodies, which host young people and educators from all over Europe.

The mission is to offer the European young people the opportunity to join internships in companies, professional tours and itineraries; while for teachers and educators, it offers the chance to take part to specialized courses, seminars and professional tours. Our main goal is to offer high-quality services in order to assure benefits concerning formative, professional and personal fields.

The strong point is Apulia, a region of southern Italy, where young people can train surrounded by beautiful locations.

Cultura e Dintorni can count on an expert staff, specialized in the international mobility sector, which knows and understands the needs of a sending organization.

Cultura e Dintorni je talijanska organizacija specijalizirana za upravljanje europskim projektima ​​mobilnosti Erasmus+ programa. Organizira aktivnosti stručnog osposobljavanja za učenike i učitelje/nastavnike iz cijele Europe. Partner ima iznimno bogato iskustvo u organizaciji i provedbi projekata, naročito projekata programa Erasmus+.

Osim uzajamne razmjene kulturoloških aspekata i jačanja jezičnih kompetencija engleskog te upoznavanje s osnovama talijanskog i hrvatskog jezika, partneri su učenicima – konobarima/kuharima omogućili dodatno osposobljavanje i razvijanje specifičnih vještina vezanih za nacionalna jela te mediteransku kuhinju koja su osnova i talijanske i hrvatske gastronomije.

Partner je odabrao tvrtke za obavljanje stručne prakse vodeći računa o struci, dosadašnjim kompetencijama te sklonostima i iskazanom interesu učenika u anketi prije mobilnosti. Program je u potpunosti prilagođen potrebama naših učenika za odrađivanje stručne prakse u kvalitetnim i stručnim objektima s educiranim mentorima.

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