Euroform RFS Torino

Euroform RFS has been operating in the vocational guidance and training field since 1996, with the main goal of working as channelling vehicle between the labour market’s supply and demand, by:

  • Providing better understanding of the European labour market dynamics;
  • Increasing opportunities to enhance knowledge and competencies;
  • Working actively to foster a better integration of the labour forces;

The Association is a Training Agency officially accredited by the Government of the Calabria Region. Its main activities focus on vocational & continuous training, adult education and youth guidance, turning particular attention to international mobility by implementing placement programs for students, young workers and post-graduates, and exchange programs for education experts and teachers.

Our areas of expertise encompass a wide range of disciplines, and since 1998, the organisation have implemented several successful placement and exchange projects in the framework of the European program Leonardo da Vinci: every year it offers the possibility to gain work experience in other European countries to over 300 youngsters.
Euroform RFS also acts as hosting organisation in placement and exchange projects for youngsters and professionals.

Euroform RFS’s activities and projects are planned and implemented thank to the active participation of an international network of organizations from Germany, France, Spain, UK, Ireland, Belgium, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Portugal, Australia and Canada. Moreover, Euroform RFS acts as hosting agency for European volunteers in the ambit of the European program’s YOUTH (EVS). 

In 2003, the organisation has founded the International Mobility Desk (SMI) in partnership with the Administration of Cosenza Province and Calabria University (UNICAL). In its first three years of service, the SMI has delivered excellent supporting services to youth searching and applying for European mobility programs.

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